It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Seriously, it’s like we went from Halloween straight to Christmas bypassing Thanksgiving entirely. Okay, so that’s a slight exaggeration even though Christmas music was blaring out of store speakers, Mariah Carey was belting out All I Want For Christmas in your car, and lit-trees were popping up in windows across Maine before turkey day arrived… Read More >
Have you been holding off on turning the heat on? It’s okay if you have. In fact, you’re in good company if you call Maine, or New England for that matter, home. We’re a stubborn lot but even the most resilient Mainer will eventually cave and turn on the heat. The thing about cranking the furnace on though, is it can cause a strange phenomenon to occur related to bed bugs. Read More >
Given their name, it makes sense that bed bugs are typically found in and around beds including mattresses, box springs, bed frames, head boards, and nearby items such as night stands and dressers. Because bedrooms are a hotspot for bed bug activity, Pine State Pest Solutions, a Maine-based bed bug control company with more than 10 years of experience, has put together the following tips to help… Read More >
Cockroaches are notorious survivors and seasoned hitchhikers. They are attracted to food and find a way into your home by sneaking into everything from luggage to used furniture or appliances, moving boxes to laundry to grocery bags. Read More >