Pine State's Recent Blogs

Keeping Your Maine Home Pest-Free All Year Long

Maine’s four distinct seasons are one of the best things about living here - but they can also bring different pest problems throughout the year. Whether it's ants and ticks in the warmer months or rodents seeking shelter when temperatures drop, pests are always looking for ways to get inside. Today, we’re taking a close look at a few of the pests that make each season a little less enjoyable… Read More >

Spring Tick Prevention For Homeowners In Maine

Maine’s spring may be short and a little muddy, and while we’re still several weeks away from truly feeling the warmth of the season, there’s nothing like watching the snow melt, the trees begin to bud, and that first warm breeze against your skin. Spring also means summer is just around the corner—and if there’s one thing better than a Maine spring, it’s a Maine summer. But as much as… Read More >

How to Identify Browntail Moth Nests

Browntail moths don’t disappear as the weather turns colder. In fact, in the early fall months this invasive species is busy creating nests for their larvae to survive during the winter months—and they’re using your trees as their home. Read More >

Browntail Moths In Maine: What Homeowners Need To Know

Browntail moths have been part of Maine’s landscape for over a century, but in recent years, their numbers have surged in some areas, bringing a few headaches along with them. Their tiny hairs can cause skin irritation and, in some cases, breathing issues—not to mention the damage they do to trees. This year, towns like Hebron, Oxford, Paris, Norway, Poland, Bridgton, Naples, and Standish are… Read More >

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