Pine State's Recent Blogs

Are Mosquitoes Bad In Maine?

For residents of Maine, mosquitoes are part of life during the warm weather months. If we let mosquito bites stop us from going outside, then we’ll never fully enjoy the spring and summer months we all look forward to each year. Since these biting pests aren’t going away any time soon (in fact, they’re ramping up) and there are some health concerns associated with them, it begs the question… Read More >

Carpenter Ants vs Odorous House Ants

Though we might wish otherwise, it’s quite normal to start seeing ants in your house and in your yard once spring arrives. After all, with warmer temperatures and increasing food sources as each spring day goes by, they’d be foolish to stay tucked away in some wall void or other hibernation site. If you’re one of the unlucky ones who have already found ants on the move inside your home or on… Read More >

Does Maine Have A Tick Problem?

Unfortunately for Maine residents, ticks have been a regular part of our lives for years now. We’ve stayed on paths while hiking to avoid wooded areas where these biting insects hang out. We’ve become experts at inspecting ourselves, our kids, and our pets after spending any amount of time outdoors. We’ve also watched the number of Lyme disease cases associated with infected deer ticks… Read More >

2022 Expected To Be The Worst For Browntail Moth Caterpillars On Record

Yes, it’s true. This year, Maine is facing the worst browntail moth infestation since these deciduous tree defoliating, rash causing caterpillars arrived in our state over 100 years ago!  For those of you who aren’t too familiar with this particular pest problem, F.L. Harvey first detected them in Kittery in 1899.  So why this year? Why are browntail moth caterpillar populations expected to… Read More >

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