Pine State's Recent Blogs

large gray squirrel in lewiston me

Preventing Pest Problems This Winter

According to Farmer’s Almanac, Mainers need to get out their snow blowers ready and prepare for some serious frigid temperatures.  Other sources, however don’t agree and are forecasting a warm winter in the Pine Tree State.  Which opinion is correct?  Only time will tell.  Regardless of what’s in store for us, there’s a lot work to be done around the home to prevent pest problems from… Read More >

Prepare Your Home For Winter With These Tips

If you live in Maine, you are well aware that once school starts and the leaves begin to change that snow is right around the corner.  There is a lot to do in a short period of time. Wood to be stacked, furnace to be cleaned, winter clothes brought out of storage, and the final flip-flop being put away for the summer. There are also a few things that you might not think about as you batten down… Read More >

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