Pest Control Services In Gorham, ME

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A locally owned and operated company, Pine State Pest Solutions delivers effective pest control services in Gorham, Cape Elizabeth, and Brunswick as well as throughout Cumberland County and several other Maine counties. For 10+ years our pest control specialists have treated homes and businesses for yellow jackets, ants, mice, and other nuisance and potentially destructive pests. If you need help exterminating a pest problem in Gorham, we’re the team to call!

Active Pests In Gorham, ME

Home Pest Control Services In Gorham, ME

If you’re searching for a pest control company that provides home pest control in Gorham, you’ve come to the right place! We realize that for most people their home is their biggest investment and keeping it free of insects and rodents, especially ones that cause damage and/or introduce health issues, is a priority. 

At Pine State Pest Solutions, our home pest control services include year-round protection for whatever pests are in season. Wasps in the summer and fall- we’ve got ya! Mice in the winter – no problem! Ants in the spring- rest easy, we can handle this! Compare our plans below or give us a call today to discuss your home’s pest control needs. 

*initial start-up fees may apply.

Gorham, ME Rodent Control 

Mice and rats are more than a nuisance pest problem; left unaddressed rodents will do their worst from the basement to the attic and in a lot of places in between. Kitchen cupboards with mouse droppings, attic insulation contaminated by their urine and feces, belongings torn by chewing, and nests constructed in the boxes of holiday decorations are just a few issues associated with rodents infesting homes and camps in Maine. 

At Pine State Pest Solutions, we offer stand-alone rodent control in Gorham that includes:

  • An initial rodent clean-out
  • Sealing off potential entry points and other minor exclusion work
  • Exterior bait stations to prevent new rodent activity
  • Follow-up visits to ensure the rodent problem has been resolved

In addition to the solutions, we implement while we’re at your home, we’ll also offer suggestions on how to take care of any conditions in or around your home that are attracting rodents. 

If you have a chronic rodent problem, we highly recommend signing up for Home Protection Plan. This ongoing plan exterminates mice and Norway rats as well as many other household pests!

Home Protection Plan

Starting as low as $35/month*

local maine pest control specialist knocking down cobwebs

Pine State’s Home Protection is an affordable pest control plan that is ideal for homeowners who want general pest control services that target common house-infesting insects and rodents.

When you sign up for this ongoing service, you’ll receive an initial service visit to treat the existing pest problem and then seasonal service visits spread out over the year to ensure pests stay out. That’s a total of four services annually.

Pests covered under Pine State’s Home Protection plan include carpenter ants, cornfield ants, crazy ants, field ants, little black ants, pavement ants, carpet beetles, cigarette beetles, drugstore beetles, flour beetles, ground beetles, hide beetles, larder beetles, saw-toothed grain beetles, warehouse beetles, boxelder bugs, carpenter bees, centipedes, clover mites, American cockroaches, brown-banded cockroaches, wood cockroaches, field crickets, house crickets,  European earwigs, firebrats, bald-faced hornets, European hornets,  deer mice, house mice, millipedes, Angoumois grain moths, drain moths, Indian meal moths, Mediterranean flour moths, mud daubers, Norway rats, paper wasps, pill bugs, rice weevils, silverfish, sow bugs, springtails, cellar spiders, daddy longlegs spiders, house spiders, jumping spiders, sac spiders, wolf spiders, Western conifer seed bugs, and yellow jackets.


Sign Up Today!


*Some exclusions apply- please see your agreement

Browntail Moth Control In Gorham ME

If the thought of sharing your property with caterpillars covered in toxic, barbed hairs gives you a moment’s pause, we understand. Unfortunately, browntail moth caterpillars have been plaguing Maine communities for several years now, and Gorham’s no exception. 

Here at Pine State Pest Solutions, we’ve created a whole division to eradicate these rash-inducing pests from properties across several Maine counties. Our treatment options include:

  • Tree micro injections
  • Tree spraying
  • Vehicle-mounted spraying for properties with an acre or more of trees 

If you’re looking for effective browntail moth control in Gorham, give us a call today! 

Gorham, ME Bed Bug Treatments

At the first sign of bed bugs, contact Maine's premier bed bug control company - Pine State Pest Solutions! We've been helping property owners and managers exterminate bed bugs in Gorham and throughout Maine for more than 11 years.

When you contact us for help getting rid of bed bugs, our specialists: 

  • Complete a thorough visual bed bug inspection 
  • Perform an initial bed bug treatment that relies on a combination of heat and conventional product
  • Install bed bug certified mattress and box spring encasements
  • Return for a follow-up service within two weeks of our initial visit

For qualifying properties, Pine State's bed bug control services include a 30-day bed bug guarantee that is effective from the date we give the infested area the all-clear.

Mosquito & Tick Control In Gorham, Maine

If you’re tired of finding ticks on you, family members, or even pets and have had it up to HERE with mosquitoes taking over your yard, contact our local team of pest experts for help! Offering seasonal mosquito treatments and tick control in Gorham, you can count on Pine State’s licensed pest control specialists to dramatically reduce the number of mosquitoes and ticks as well as the threat of disease spread by these biting pests. Since the warmer weather lasts only so long in Gorham, you should not be worried about Lyme disease or let the discomfort of mosquito bites keep you indoors. Give us a shout to reclaim your outdoor living space!

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