Tick-Borne Diseases In Maine: An In-Depth Look At Lyme & Other Illnesses

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What are tick-borne diseases?

Tick-borne diseases are those that are transmitted by ticks infected with bacteria, viruses, or parasites. 

signs and symptoms of tick-borne diseases



Types of tick-borne diseases in Maine

In Maine, black-legged ticks, more commonly known as deer ticks, are vectors of: 

  • Lyme disease
  • Anaplasmosis
  • Babesiosis
  • Borrelia miyamoto
  • Powassan virus 

Can ticks in Maine carry more than one disease?

According to the Maine CDC, ticks can carry AND transmit multiple diseases at one time. 

When symptoms of tick-borne diseases first appear 

  • Lyme disease – 3 to 30 days after a bite from an infected deer tick
  • Anaplasmosis – within 1-2 weeks after a bite from an infected tick
  • Babesiosis– after an incubation period of 1-4 weeks 
  • Borrelia Miyamoto – Specific timing is not known for this disease
  • Powassan virus – within 1 – 4 weeks after bite 

Signs and symptoms of diseases spread by ticks

Symptoms of Lyme disease include, but are not limited to:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle and joint pain

For more information on Lyme disease symptoms, please read Does Maine Have A Tick Problem?

Symptoms of anaplasmosis may include fever, severe headache, muscle aches, chills, and shaking. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss are a few of the less frequent symptoms of anaplasmosis. 

Symptoms of babesiosis include fever, chills, sweats, headaches, and other flu-like symptoms. 

Symptoms of Powassan virus can include fever, headache, vomiting, speech difficulties, seizures, paralysis, and loss of coordination. 

It is important to note that not all victims of infected tick bites show any symptoms of any illness. It’s possible to have one without knowing it.  

Are tick-borne diseases in Maine common?

While mosquito-borne diseases in Maine aren’t very common, the same cannot be said of tick-borne diseases. Per the Maine CDC website, our state has high rates of tick-borne diseases with Lyme, anaplasmosis and babesiosis being the most reported ones. 

How Maine residents can protect against tick bites and tick-borne diseases

To prevent tick bites and avoid exposure to tick-borne diseases, the experts here at Pine State Pest Solutions recommend the following tick prevention tips: 

  • When hiking or spending time outside, avoid areas where ticks are likely to be. That includes tall grass, bushes, and wooded areas. 
  • Treat your hiking or yard work clothes with Permethrin. 
  • Apply EPA registered insect repellents approved by your family’s doctor.
  • Check for ticks on you, your family members, and pets after spending time outdoors.
  • Ask your vet for their recommendation on the best pet tick prevention product available.
  • Remove leaves and other organic debris from your yard.
  • Keep your lawn trimmed, remove tall grasses, and clear out dense vegetation. 
  • Assemble swing sets, sandboxes, trampolines, and other play equipment away from trees and the edges of your lawn.
  • Try to keep deer and other wildlife off your property, or at least, from hanging out in areas that your family utilizes.

Sign up for seasonal tick treatments and keep these disease-spreading pests away

tick control specialist treating bushes for ticks in auburn maine

For the best protection against tick bites and to defend against Lyme and other tick-borne disease in Maine, consider signing up for tick control.

Offering seasonal tick treatments in Auburn, Cape Elizabeth, and Saco as well as throughout our multi-county service area, the local pest control pros at Pine State Pest Solutions will:

  • Inspect your yard to pinpoint potential tick harborages.  
  • Stop by three times between April and October to spray yards and lawns, brush, and fence lines as well as other areas where ticks are likely to be on your property.
  • Let you know if there are any conditions on your property that could be making the problem worse. 

Don’t let ticks keep you indoors while the weather is ideal; contact our locally owned and operated pest control company today for the most effective tick control available!

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