When you own a camp in Maine, mice come with the territory. It doesn’t matter whether your camp is used all year long or shut up for winter, rodent problems are going to happen. So, what attracts mice to camp, how do you prevent a rodent infestation and what do you do to get rid of mice (and/or rats) should they show up at camp? Read on to find out! Read More >
There is a reason why the common house mouse is called a common house mouse. Not only do mice love living in our homes, but it is common for them to do so. Some academics refer to mice as commensal because they don't just share our homes with us, they share our food too. Read More >
There are many pests that can get into our homes and cause issues. The list of Maine pests is quite long. Let's take a moment to talk about some of the pests we deal with in Maine, what we try to do to get rid of them on our own, and how we should actually be taking care of these issues. Read More >
As fall gives way to colder days and nights, your mind is full of the preparations that must be done before winter truly hits. Outerwear must be pulled out of storage, summer clothes will be reluctantly put away, and holiday plans are waiting to be made. In all the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to let some things slip through the cracks - quite literally. Don’t let mice slip through the cracks… Read More >