September 07, 2021
Maine's September pest forecast
Labor Day- it’s the unofficial end to summer but not the end of the warm weather… yet. Hopefully we have a few more weeks of summer-like weather to enjoy. That said, a lot of the pests that were active in July and August will continue to be a problem this month in Portland, Augusta, and Waterville as well as in communities throughout Maine.
Stinging insects are still around
As we mentioned in a recent blog, When Are Wasps & Hornets Most Active In Maine, stinging insects in our neck of the woods will become more aggressive as fall approaches. With nests exploding and natural food sources diminishing, yellow jackets, paper wasps, and other stinging insects in Maine are “hangry” and are likely to be provoked much easier and more often than they were just a month ago.
If you’re mowing your lawn or weed whacking on your property, be sure to use caution. You don’t want to run over a ground nest with either tool – the experience will not be enjoyable for you! You should also be on the lookout for nests constructed on your home or even on bushes and landscaping that are in close proximity to where you and your family members spend time.
For assistance in removing stinging insect activity that is threatening your home and family, contact Pine State Pest Solutions. We offer one-time treatment options but for best results and ongoing protection, we highly recommend signing up for one of our home pest control plans!
Home Protection Plan
Starting as low as $35/month*

Pine State’s Home Protection is an affordable pest control plan that is ideal for homeowners who want general pest control services that target common house-infesting insects and rodents.
When you sign up for this ongoing service, you’ll receive an initial service visit to treat the existing pest problem and then seasonal service visits spread out over the year to ensure pests stay out. That’s a total of four services annually.
Pests covered under Pine State’s Home Protection plan include carpenter ants, cornfield ants, crazy ants, field ants, little black ants, pavement ants, carpet beetles, cigarette beetles, drugstore beetles, flour beetles, ground beetles, hide beetles, larder beetles, saw-toothed grain beetles, warehouse beetles, boxelder bugs, carpenter bees, centipedes, clover mites, American cockroaches, brown-banded cockroaches, wood cockroaches, field crickets, house crickets, European earwigs, firebrats, bald-faced hornets, European hornets, deer mice, house mice, millipedes, Angoumois grain moths, drain moths, Indian meal moths, Mediterranean flour moths, mud daubers, Norway rats, paper wasps, pill bugs, rice weevils, silverfish, sow bugs, springtails, cellar spiders, daddy longlegs spiders, house spiders, jumping spiders, sac spiders, wolf spiders, Western conifer seed bugs, and yellow jackets.
*Some exclusions apply- please see your agreement
Deer ticks remain a threat
If you’ve lived in Maine or elsewhere in New England for any length of time, you probably already know what a deer tick is and more importantly, what they look like and whether or not they’re dangerous. If not, find the answers to those questions and more by visiting our deer tick pest identification guide.
While deer tick season (if you can call it that) peaks in July and August, these vile, blood-feeding pests do not just disappear in September. In fact, the deer tick nymphs that were feeding over the summer will grow into adults in September and by October, if previous years are any indication, the risk of acquiring Lyme disease will rise again.
For help reducing tick activity on your property, Pine State Pest Solutions offers seasonal tick treatments. A monthly service that typically starts in May, there is still time to schedule your fall treatment!
Mosquitoes will continue to bite
Another biting pest in Maine, mosquitoes are truly annoying. Unfortunately, they’re also a threat to our health. Though we don’t have to worry about the Zika virus in our region, mosquitoes in Maine are capable of spreading Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and West Nile virus (WNV).
The good news about mosquitoes is that they won’t be around for much longer, typically disappearing in October or when temperatures dip below 50 degrees Fahrenheit and remain there. While they are here though, we recommend staying indoors when they’re most active -typically at dawn or dusk. If that’s not possible or you simply don’t want mosquitoes to keep you indoors, wear clothing that covers your limbs and other spots where mosquito bites are likely to occur. For best results and to see a significant reduction in mosquito activity, contact Pine State Pest Solutions for effective mosquito control services.