September 01, 2020

Ticks are tiny but persistent. They will climb brush, shrubs or grass up to 24” high and wait for a host. Once attached, a tick will find a warm area on the body. Depending on the tick species and life stage, they can remain attached and feed from their host for up to ten days.
Additionally, an adult female tick can lay anywhere between 1,500 and 5,000 eggs at once. If 2-3 ticks are effectively eliminated from your property this fall, you’re preventing as many as 15,000 eggs from hatching and emerging next spring.
Tick-borne diseases are serious. The Centers for Disease Control reports that between January 1, 2020, and August 17, 2020, there have been 467 reported cases of Lyme Disease, 279 of Anaplasmosis and 21 of Babesiosis in Maine, an increase from previous years. This could be credited to an increase in the amount of ticks as well as from individuals spending more time outdoors. Having a professional technician provide a spray treatment in the fall, can eliminate a greater number of ticks and prevent eggs from hatching in the spring.
Before, during and after treatment applications, keep the following in mind:
Surroundings: Know where your kids and pets play and encourage them to remain on hiking trails or in your backyard. Ticks live in tall grass, brush, leaves, and in wooded areas; use caution when in new environments.
Clothing: Wear light colored clothing to make ticks easier to find. Tuck your pant legs into your socks. When returning inside, immediately throw clothes in the dryer for 5-10 minutes on high heat. Ticks can survive the wash so it’s best to take care of your clothes right away.
Pets: Check pets every day. Ticks can hitch a ride on your pets and make their way into your home. Thoroughly look on legs, paws, ears, elbows, belly and on their tail. Ticks are looking for a warm, cozy spot.
Environment: Ticks love shady, dark and humid environments generally found under leaves, stumps, and in wooded areas. Ticks hate hot, dry areas as they need moisture to survive.
Barriers: Create a 3’ wide woodchip barrier on the outskirts of your yard. This discourages deer, mice and other pests from entering and potentially carrying ticks into your yard.
Pine State Pest Solutions provides free estimates and customized treatment plans for ticks and other pests so that you can take back your home. Interested? Contact us today.