Wolf Spider

What do wolf spiders look like?

Wolf spiders are hairy spiders that come in various sizes but typically reach up to 1.4 inches in body length. They can be brown, gray, or black with different markings or stripes. Wolf spiders have eight eyes arranged in three rows: four small eyes on the bottom row, two large eyes in the middle row, and two additional eyes positioned above the larger ones. They also have jaws that they use to hold prey, inject venom, and eat. Two sharp, horizontal fangs are positioned on the bottom of their jaws. 

wolf spider on leaf outside maine home

Are wolf spiders dangerous to humans?

Despite their name and the intimidating description above, wolf spiders are not dangerous to humans. Their bites are not harmful, although they can be painful and cause mild swelling or itching. They are more likely to flee than bite unless threatened.

Where can wolf spiders be found?

Wolf spiders can be found in a variety of places, including the following:

  • Gardens and flowerbeds
  • Grassy lawns
  • Woodpiles and logs
  • Sheds, detached garages, and other outbuildings
  • Basements and crawl spaces
  • Corners of rooms
  • Cracks in walls and floors
  • Closets and other storage areas
  • Boxes
  • Cluttered areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Kitchens 

Do wolf spiders build webs?

No, wolf spiders do not build webs to catch prey. Instead of spider webs, these arachnids dig burrows or use existing crevices as shelter. Some may line their shelters with silk to create a more comfortable and secure space, but they do not use their silk for capturing food. 

How do wolf spiders hunt?

Instead of building webs to catch their food, ground-dwelling hunters rely on their speed and agility to hunt or ambush their prey, typically consisting of insects and small invertebrates, such as other spiders. 

Do wolf spiders live in groups?

Wolf spiders are usually solitary, except during mating season. In Maine, wolf spider mating season typically occurs in the warmer months, from late spring to early summer. The exact timing depends on the specific species and environmental factors. During this time, male wolf spiders will seek out females for mating. After mating, female wolf spiders will carry fertilized egg sacs in silk sacs attached to their spinnerets until they hatch. Once hatched, the spiderlings will climb on their mothers' backs and remain protected until they are ready to leave and survive independently.

How long do wolf spiders live?

The life span of wolf spiders varies but typically ranges from one to two years. 

Why do I have a wolf spider problem?

Wolf spiders enter homes through cracks, gaps, and openings and do so for several reasons, including:

  • Seeking shelter (very common in the fall and winter)
  • Searching for food
  • Avoiding heavy rain or other severe weather conditions
  • Looking for a mate

Wolf spiders also enter homes entirely by accident. 

What should I do if I find wolf spiders in my home?

If you’ve found wolf spiders or the bugs that attract them in your home, contact Pine State Pest Solutions for assistance. Our home pest control plans target house-infesting pests, including wolf spiders, house spiders, and other spiders, as well as many other nuisance and potentially damaging insects and rodents

How can I prevent wolf spiders from entering my home?

To prevent wolf spiders from getting inside your home, we recommend the following prevention tips:

  • Seal entry points.
  • Maintain cleanliness indoors.
  • Clear away clutter in the attic, garage, and other storage areas. 
  • Address pest problems that might attract them.
  • Remove leaf piles and other yard debris.
  • Move woodpiles away from the house.
  • Use screens on windows and vents. 
  • Install door sweeps and weather stripping. 
  • Keep entry doors and garage doors shut when not in use. 
  • Thin out dense overgrowth and trim tall grass. 


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