Yellow Sac Spiders

Yellow sac spiders are small, ranging from ¼ to 3/8 inches.  As their name suggests, they are usually pale yellow but may be light tan, beige, or greenish. They may or may not have a darker stripe running down the middle of their backs. They have long, slender legs that are also pale yellow or light brown; the ends of their legs are often slightly darker. Like other spiders, they have eight eyes.

yellow sac spider outside a maine home

Is the yellow sac spider poisonous?

Yellow sac spiders are venomous spiders, but their bites are not considered too dangerous to humans. Of course, there are exceptions, and although rare, medical attention should be sought for severe reactions. 

Yellow sac spider venom generally triggers a mild to moderate reaction, which can result in localized pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes small blisters. The bite can take a few weeks to heal. 

What do yellow sac spiders eat?

Like other spiders, yellow sac spiders eat insects and arthropods, including ants, flies, crickets, beetles, and other spiders. 

Do yellow sac spiders build webs, and if so, where?

Yellow sac spiders do not build traditional webs to catch prey like other types of spiders. Instead, they make silk sacs that they hide in during the day. 

Common places to find their silk sacs include corners of walls or ceilings, attached to wall hangings, in folds of curtains, and cracks or crevices. Outside, their sacs are often found in trees and gardens. 

How do yellow sac spiders catch their food?

Like wolf spiders, these spiders are nighttime hunters. They have stealth and speed and can approach and catch their prey without being detected. They immobilize their prey by biting and injecting venom. 

What attracts yellow sac spiders?

Unfortunately, yellow sac spiders are both indoor and outdoor pests. They enter homes and buildings looking for shelter and food sources. Yellow sac spiders will stick around if there is a way in and plenty of insects to prey upon inside.

Outside, yellow sac spiders are attracted to:

  • Insects and other spiders
  • Outdoor lighting which attracts insects
  • Vegetation where… you guessed it, they can find insects to feed on. 

How do I get rid of yellow sac spiders?

To eliminate yellow sac spiders from your home and property, contact Pine State Pest Solutions. Our locally owned and family-operated pest control company has been helping Maine residents exterminate spiders and other pests from their homes since 2009.

While we offer one-time treatments, the best way to protect your property is to sign up for our year-round home pest control services that target yellow sac spiders, other types of spiders, and the insects they eat. 

What keeps yellow sac spiders away?

To keep yellow sac spiders and other pests out of your home, we recommend implementing the following pest prevention tips:

  • Seal entry points. 
  • Install door sweeps.
  • Trim back tree branches, shrubs, and bushes so they don’t touch your home.
  • Thin out dense vegetation. 
  • Cut back tall grass. 
  • Mow your lawn regularly.
  • Fix leaking spigots and other plumbing issues, both indoors and outside.
  • Shut off outdoor lighting whenever possible, or consider switching to yellow or sodium vapor lights,
  • which are less attractive to insects.
  • Haul away leaves, tree branches, and other yard clutter. 
  • Store firewood up off the ground and away from the house.
  • Reduce clutter in storage areas, including closets, attic, garage, and basement. 
  • Clean the inside of your home regularly.


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